Oral Clean+Care Sprey Classic

5.200 kr. (með vsk)

OralClean+Care Classic Spray
for cats and dogs – removes tartar

– remedies gum infection
– fights halitosis (bad breath)

Bottle content: 65 ml is sufficient for up to 400 x spray


Depending of the pet’s weight you spray 2 – 6 times every morning and evening – that’s it.

Pets should not eat or drink 30 minutes before and after the treatment.

After the successful treatment, for maintenance you should apply Oral Clean+Care once every 3 days in order to prevent the build-up of new tartar, protect the gums from inflammation and eliminate halitosis.


Water, citrus seed extracts, herb oils, alcohol.


Hafa samband

Platinum Pro ehf
Staðarbakki 2
109 Reykjavík
Sími: +354 862 6969

Kt: 410618-1840
Vsk nr: 131948

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